October 12, 2012

Farnsworth House

In 1945 world renowned architect Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe was asked to design a weekend retreat for dr. Edith Farnsworth. It became one of the world's most famous houses and it is still an iconic example of late modernism, the so called international style. It has an intriguing story attached to it. Edith Farnsworth fell in love with Mies but pretty soon the love was over because of the fast increasing costs. The house, located next to the Fox river flooded three times in its existence and almost disappeared from its site. To know something more about the house I included this beautiful documentary shown in Farnsworth's visitor center followed by some pictures.

Oh yeah, you wouldn't expect it but when we entered the house it was so nice and warm compared to the outside temperature. When we took off our shoes (mandatory for visitors) and walked around in our socks, we noticed that this was because of the house's floor heating.

Enjoy! And don't forget to check out the last picture!


Dr. Farnsworth's garage, not designed by Mies I suppose.

Tomorrow, more Mies.
Bis Morgen! 
