July 22, 2012

Going home...

“Je suis lui, lui, lui et lui et lui aussi et lui aussi... et je suis lui aussi... et puis lui, lui je veux pas le décevoir. Je suis elle, elle et elle aussi, je suis français, espagnol, anglais, danois, je suis pas un mais plusieurs. Je suis comme l'europe je suis tout ça, je suis un vrai bordel.” L’auberge espagnole

With this piece out of ‘L'auberge espagnole’ I say "see you" to all the wonderful people I met in Weimar: Germans, Americans, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Belgians, Portuguese, Brazilians, Romanians, Canadians, Turks, Englishmen, Scottish, Irish, Italians, Russians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Malaysians, Cypriots. Did I forget somebody?

What I’ll miss about Weimar

Ice-cream at Eiscafé Venezia

Living in the most vivid, yet the quietest part of Weimar.

Walking across Theaterplatz and seeing tourists pose in front of Goethe and Schiller.

Going shopping and hearing the REWE-jingle, commercials for the Theaterapotheke in the Steubenstrasse  and the “reine Buttermilch von Müller in Flaschen”-song.

Nobody on Theaterplatz in the morning or when it rains, except for the early birds eating ice-cream for breakfast at Venezia.

The beautiful library with Karrels and Gruppenräume.

Walking through the city centre en not seeing any car.

Train stations, which are a living environment full of shops

Park an der Ilm

The Opera right behind your apartment!



Buying Briefmarken at the automate

Having an ATM so close.

Busses arriving on time.

I won’t miss

Ice-cream at Giancarlo’s, they’re not friendly at all.

The same melancholic accordion song every time you pass Theaterplatz.

The long queues in Deutsche Post

Thüringer Bratwurst.

German chocolate, Beers and Fritz Mitte’s so called Belgische Pommes

The noise of the buzzer in our apartment

Broken ovens, central heatings, freezers and toilet buttons.

But I’ll do miss you!
101 Hummelstrasse will always be a part of me.

Thanks for the almost 1200 pageviews of my blog in only 5 months.
Always welcome in Cincinnati (USA) from the 16th of august and back in Belgium from the 22nd of December!

PS: For everybody who ever asked me about the Belgian political situation, here’s an introduction ;)