September 22, 2012

Back on track

Hey everybody!

After having been away for exactly 3 months I'm back on track. Since a lot of people were wondering how my adventures are continuing and given the big number of followers for the Bauhaus Experience I am coming back, this time with a new name: The B. Experience.
B standing for all things B: Benoît, Belgium, Bauhaus, ...

Im no longer posting from Germany but from the United States of America this time: Cincinnati, Ohio it is. Until the end of december I'll stay here together with mr. Frederick D. and then we'll be home for Christmas. I promise I'll make more updates so keep an eye on this blog. I'll try to do some of my posts in English, some in Dutch. Tell me what language you guys love most in a comment below and then I'll see you back very soon for my first real update!

To be continued...