September 23, 2012

So far so good

What's happend since we arrived in the States about a month and a week ago? First of all: we enrolled for our classes. We're happy to be in UC's Department of Architecture Art and Planning, short: DAAP. In the beginning we had to adapt again to another school, another country and try to make as many new friends as possible, which we're still trying to do. In this month we already had the chance to discover some of Cincinnati's most agreeable sides: the P&G Riverfest with beautiful fireworks, we already saw Barack Obama on his grassroots event in Eden Park and so on.

Some pictures of the grassroots event.

Search the POTUS!

BTW: I want to broaden this blog so you won't see me writing about my studies alone any more. From now on i want to talk about the more important things in life as well: food and all things beautiful: architecture, art,....

See you very soon!